Durham Community Action

Knowledge for Change Workshop: The Value of Community Involvement with Research

 Registration is closed for this event

Members of communities and community organisations hold a wealth of knowledge about their local areas, their assets and needs, and shared issues and problems. This isn’t always recognised and used. How can communities be more actively involved in setting research agendas, contributing their experiences, collecting relevant information and influencing positive changes in policy and practice?

In this workshop, we will explore different ways voluntary, community and social enterprise sector organisations and their members are and can be involved in research on topics that matter to them – from local bus services to young people’s mental health or the climate crisis.  


  • What counts as a researchable topic, and how to choose relevant research questions?
  • When should members of a community organisation do research themselves and what training and support is needed?  
  • What are the pros and cons of working in partnership with a larger voluntary organisation or university?
  • How can community members feed into research agendas and commission research from others? 
  • How can communities use research findings effectively to influence policy and practice? 

This workshop is part of a series of events being run by Durham Community Action and the Rural Design Centre to explore the potential of setting up a Community Research Network for rural County Durham. Anyone with an interest is welcome. It will build on earlier workshops offered in July and is also open to people who have not attended the previous events. 

The workshop will be facilitated by Sarah Banks, Centre for Social Justice and Community Action, Durham University and Fiona Christian, Durham Community Action.

For any enquiries please email lyndsey.hocking@durhamcommunityaction.org.uk

September 21st, 2023 from 10:00 AM to  1:30 PM
Shaw Bank
Barnard Castle, DUR DL12 8TD
United Kingdom
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