Durham Community Action

Share and Learn Network Meeting Community Resilience: The Role of Community Buildings during Emergencies

 Registration is closed for this event

The Durham Community Action Share and Learn Community Buildings Network is a network of community organisations that run local Community Centres and Village Halls. Regular meetings take place and focus on various topics including governance, funding and compliance. 

At this meeting, we will be joined by Laura Dobson from the Civil Contingencies Unit at Durham County Council and Emily Hunter from County Durham and Darlington Local Resilience Forum.

They will discuss how you can prepare for emergencies yourself and for your household, and the role of community buildings during emergencies, with a particular focus on power outages.

We will also be joined by Glenn Reffin from Lands Village Hall who will speak about his personal experience of preparing for emergencies and the work that the hall has done to become more resilient to future incidents.

There will be the opportunity to discuss all of this during a breakout session and feedback to the wider group. There will also be plenty of time to ask questions.

It will take place online and joining instructions will be provided prior to the meeting. 

Attendance is free, although booking in advance is required to secure places which are limited. 

For any enquiries please email isla.ballard@durhamcommunityaction.org.uk

November 16th, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM