The Community Growing and Food Network is an online network for community organisations in County Durham that run or are interested in running, community food and growing projects to come together to share experiences, connect with each other and discuss topics of interest.
At our next online meeting on Tuesday 28th November from 1.30 – 3.00pm we will focus on Volunteer Engagement. We will welcome Charlotte Linton, our Volunteering Specialist to lead discussions around how growing and food projects in particular can attract and sustain their volunteers, explore different types of volunteering and take a visual tour of the County Durham Volunteering Platform.
We also welcome Stacy Porter, Volunteer and Engagement Officer from Durham University to tell us about their volunteer offer and the benefits of Employment Supported Volunteering.
As always, there will be an opportunity for discussion and networking with other organisations, sharing your own experiences and updates with the group,
Attendance is free, although booking in advance is required to secure places. Joining instructions will be provided prior to the meeting.
For any enquiries please email
To connect, share and support alongside the network meetings, please join our Facebook group.