Durham Community Action

Cyber Security Training for Small Charities

 Registration is closed for this event

A recent blog by NAVCA identified that ‘cyber security is an issue that matters to all of us. No matter the size of your organisation, staying safe online is essential to being able to continue your work and support your local community during the cost of living crisis.

NAVCA is working with the National Cyber Security Centre (NSCS) and through this DCA are able to offer Cyber Security training to support VCS organisations to protect themselves from cyber threats.

NAVCA recognises that the cost of living crisis puts added pressure on the voluntary sector, particularly on small charities that may struggle to meet increasing costs meaning that cyber security might not be an immediate priority for organisations, but supporting vulnerable communities at this difficult time can go hand in hand with keeping people safe online. The risk of hacking or theft increases if passwords are not safe, using personal devices when volunteering. lower budgets for virus protection or having to have a laptop or computer repaired due to a virus. Investing some time into cyber security training could save time and money and keep sensitive data about vulnerable service users and governance documents safe. 

This training aims to provide you with an understanding of the basics of cyber security in a small charity, and what steps you should be taking to protect your organisation. After the session, you will be provided with the National Cyber Security Centre’s Cyber Security: Small Charity Guide to help you put your new knowledge into practice. 

At the end of the session you will:

  • Understand why small charities are at risk of cyber attack
  • Understand the specific types of cyber attacks that small charities could be vulnerable to and how they have been attacked in the past
  • Learn some practical steps you can take to avoid being attacked
  • Know what to do in the event of a cyber attack on your organisation

This event will take place online and joining instructions will be sent prior to the session.

Attendance is free although booking in advance is required to secure places. 

For any queries please email tara.hallimond@durhamcommunityaction.org.uk


December 7th, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM