Would your organisation benefit from the skills of staff volunteering?
We would like to invite voluntary and community sector organisations to a showcase event to find out more about organisations with staff volunteer programmes looking to support the voluntary and community sector in County Durham.
The aim of the event is to highlight the offers available, and how to access and utilise the skills and time of staff through the Employer Supported Volunteer schemes to make a meaningful impact on the communities of County Durham.
The event will have presentations highlighting positive ways to achieve a wider impact by linking into staff volunteer programmes including examples of current offers.
There will also be an opportunity for discussions around potential support through different organisations with staff volunteer programmes to meet the needs of individual voluntary and community sector organisations.
It will take place on Tuesday 9th July at Josephine Butler College, Durham University with registration from 9.30am for a 10.00am start, finishing at 12.30pm.
Booking in advance is required to secure places.
For any enquiries, please email info@durhamcommunityaction.org.uk
The venue and refreshments are kindly being provided by Durham University.
Durham University
Durham, DUR DH1 3DF
United Kingdom