Durham Community Action

Bernard Sunley Foundation Virtual Funding Information Session

The Durham Community Action Share and Learn Network is a network of volunteer led community organisations who deliver local services and run local community buildings. Regular meetings take place and focus on key topics of interest including governance, funding and compliance. 

This virtual funding information session is for representatives of voluntary and community groups across County Durham.

Bernard Sunley Foundation is a family grant-making foundation which supports charities in England and Wales working to raise the quality of life and provide greater opportunities for the young, the elderly, the disabled and the disadvantaged. 

They will be providing information on the funds they have currently available, how to apply and there will be an opportunity for you to ask questions. 

Attendance is free, although booking in advance is required to secure places.

As places are limited we respectfully ask that you book no more than two places per organisation. 

The event will take place online and joining instructions will be provided prior to the meeting. 

For any enquiries please email info@durhamcommunityaction.org.uk


March 27th, 2025 from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Organisation Durham Community Action